Balancing School and Business: My Exciting Journey Towards Becoming an Elementary School Teacher

Balancing School and Business: My Exciting Journey Towards Becoming an Elementary School Teacher

Hello, lovely people!

As we approach the end of this year and the dawn of 2024, I can't help but feel an electrifying buzz in the air. The reason? I'm on the verge of turning my dream into reality – becoming an elementary school teacher. This exciting journey comes with its unique set of challenges, especially on the financial front. Starting in January, I'll be diving into full-time student teaching, a pivotal step in my journey. This means I won't have much time for other work. But, fear not! I've got a plan to keep the financial wheels turning while I focus on my dream job. In this blog post, I'm going to share my adventure, my goals, and how I plan to juggle teaching and running my business as I inch closer to my May 2024 graduation.

The Path So Far

My journey to becoming an elementary school teacher has been a whirlwind of excitement, hard work, and a whole lot of learning. There have been late nights of studying, a plethora of lesson plans, and countless hours spent soaking up knowledge in actual classrooms. These experiences have been nothing short of amazing, and I'm incredibly thankful for the unwavering support from my friends and family.

Now, as I approach the final stretch, there's a little financial hiccup on the horizon. Unlike other part-time jobs, student teaching doesn't come with a paycheck. This presents a financial puzzle that I, like many aspiring educators, must solve.

The Importance of My Business

To navigate this financial challenge and ensure I can wholeheartedly focus on my student teaching experience, I'm turning to my small business. My business is not just any business; it's my passion project, and it gives me the creative freedom to express myself while making a little extra cash. This venture could be the key to helping me through this challenging period of student teaching.

Growing My Business

So, how do I plan to grow my business while diving headfirst into student teaching?

Product Extravaganza: I'm on a mission to keep creating and sharing a diverse range of products. While I'll continue offering delightful and soul soothing items for you, more items for pet parents and their beloved fur babies, I'm also excited to expand my offerings to include more apparel for positive thinking, pet parents, holidays, and much more! As I continue on my path as a teacher, you can expect an ever-expanding range of products, all designed to spread positivity, love, and joy.

Social Media and Party Hats: I'm going to sprinkle a little extra magic into my online presence through social media and some targeted marketing. Building a vibrant online community and promoting my business in style will be top priorities.

Master of Time: Managing student teaching and my business will require some serious time juggling. I'll allocate dedicated hours for my business while ensuring that my teaching duties come first.

The Power of Teamwork: My incredible boyfriend has been a financial and emotional pillar of strength throughout this journey, making the upcoming financial challenges of student teaching much more manageable. We're a dynamic duo, working in tandem to handle life's twists and turns, enabling me to pour all my energy into shaping young minds in the classroom. This new journey has brought me a happiness I didn't expect when embarking on this exciting career change.

Looking Ahead

The next few months leading up to my May 2024 graduation promise to be a wild ride, but I'm riding the wave with excitement and determination. I'm looking forward to embracing the challenges of full-time student teaching and watching my business flourish. As I continue on this path to becoming an elementary school teacher, I'm grateful for the unwavering support of my loved ones and the potential my business holds.

I invite you to join me on this adventure as I share my experiences, insights, and products along the way. Whether you're an aspiring teacher, a fellow entrepreneur, or just someone who enjoys a good old success story, I hope my tale inspires and entertains you. Together, we can conquer the hurdles and savor the sweet rewards of chasing our dreams.

Thank you for being a part of my life and for supporting me and my business. Here's to a fabulous and fulfilling journey!

- Alexis Marilyn

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I love your story and your optimistic approach on these opportunities in your future. I look forward to hearing more about it(:

Jillian Catalano

So very proud of you!! Loving knowing you and your family!

Arlene Miller

Lexi I have no doubt that all of your dreams will come true. You have set goals and gone after them, achieved them and then set more. I love how you raise the bar even higher for yourself each and every time. So incredibly proud of you and so impressed with all that you do. Success is on the horizon. As we have always said – hard work and dedication takes you where you have focused your energies. Love you so much!!

Denise Zehner

So proud to know a strong genuine lady like you, you will rock this just like you back in those modeling days! Keep up the good work!!’

Michelle Cuevas

I like turtles

Bill Cosby

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